Press Release

Abuja 7 September 2016: The Bureau For Public Service Reforms (BPSR) has today proactively published on its website ( a detail summary of the entire Freedom of Information (FOI) request it received and responded to since the launch of its FOI Portal.

The BPSR electronic FOI portal remains the first initiative of its kind developed by any government public institution in Nigeria for submitting e-FOI request and receiving corresponding response.

Through a joint partnership with Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria and supported by the MacArthur Foundation, the BPSR in March 2016 re-designed its website with a dedicated Freedom of Information Portal for fulfilling its FOI obligations and incorporated an innovative electronic platform for receiving and responding to e-FOI request.

To view details of the summary click here

ABUJA, 19 August 2016: The Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI) has agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding on the implementation of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) with an NGO, Right to Know, Nigeria.The agreement was reached when the Executive Secretary of NEITI, Waziri Adio received the Coordinator of Right to Know, Mrs. Ene Enonche-Nwankpa and her team in his office.

Abuja: March 23 2016: Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria and the Bureau for Public Service Reforms (BPSR) today launched the newly re-designed BPSR website (, with a Freedom of Information portal designed to receive electronic FOI requests. This innovative website which is the first of it’s kind by any public institution in Nigeria has made it possible for the BPSR to fulfill it’s various obligations under the FOI Act in order to promote openness and facilitate public access to information and documents held by the institution.

Mr. Aaron Kaase is a public officer with Nigeria’s Police Service Commission (PSC). On the 27th May 2015, he blew the whistle on the Chairman and Nigeria’s former Inspector-General of Police, Sir. Mike Okiro on grounds of gross administrative fraud and abuse of public office. His position to expose the Chairman led to his sudden suspension by the PSC.

Report: Public Institutions Violating the FOI Act
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The Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria is a dynamic organisation established in 2007 to champion the right to access officially held information at all levels of government public institutions and establishing legal standards for these rights in Nigeria.

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